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अगर एक अच्छी जॉब चाहिए तो जाहिर सी बात है आपको एक अच्छा सा बायोडाटा (Biodata or Resume) चाहिए जिससे की आपका अच्छा इम्प्रैशन बन पाए जैसा कि आपको पता है कि First Impression is last Impression तो अगर आपका बायोडाटा या रिज्यूमे अच्छा होगा तो आपको नौकरी मिलने में आसानी रहेगी । तो आइये देखते हैं कि एक अच्छा सा रिज्यूमे हम कैसे बना सकते हैं ।
Format No. 1 (Biodata)
Rajeev Singh (Name)
32, Friends Colony (Current Address)
Mobile- 9x1x53022 (Current Mobile no,)
E-mail: (Active E-mail)
To work, for a growing organization in a healthy environment, where my self-motivated, analytical approach, efficiency and precise attention towards the job can be utilized for the development of the organization.
Personal Detail:
Father’s Name: Mr. S. P. Singh
Date of Birth: 11th Junel 1989
Marital Status: Un-married
Language Known: English, Hindi (speaking and writing) (You can write if know more language)
Passport No. XXXXX
Permanent Address: H. No. 26, Rajendra Nagar
Ghaziabad (UP)
2003 High School (Science)
SRK Inter College, Ghaziabad, UP Board
2005 Inter Mediate (Physics, Chemistry, Math)
Inter College, Ghaziabad, UP Board.
Techincal Qualification:
2011 B. Tech (Computer Science)
Professional Qualification:
MBA (Project Management) from SMU.
Computer Knowledge:
Well versed with M-S Office, Internet and mail writing
1.Worked as an “QC Engineer” in TCS Group, Mumbai, from July 2012 to September 2016.
Work profile: Taking care for quality related issues.
2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Work Profile: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Please mention all the working experience with work profile to create good impression and making the instituion aware that what type of activities you were having)
Personal Qualities:
Amicable, Adjusting, Learning new things, and ready to face new challenges.
Interest and Hobbies:
Reading, Playing games, Traveling and listening music.
I assure you that, I will prove myself and “not leave any stone unturned” for the better quality, and giving you utmost satisfaction.
Date: (Rajeev Singh)