Pessimist Meaning | Pessimist in a Sentence

pessimist Meaning in English | pessimist Meaning in Hindi | pessimist in a sentence | Synonyms of pessimist | Meaning of pessimist | Sentence with pessimist | Example of pessimist | pessimist ka matlab | pessimist Example | How to use pessimist in a sentence | pessimist definition and meaning | pessimist Meaning |




pɛsəməst | पेसमिस्ट

Pessimist Meaning in English/ Pessimist का हिंदी अर्थ

A person who thinks that bad things are more likely to hppen

निराशावादी, ख़राब सोचने वाला


Antonyms of Pessimist / Pessimist ka opposite word


Synonyms of Pessimist :

gloomy, complainer, hopeless

110+ Advanced English Structures

Pessimist in Sentences/ Sentence of Pessimist

He is a pessimist.

वह निराशावादी है।

It’s easy to sell insurance to a pessimist.

किसी निराशावादी को बीमा बेचना आसान है।

Don’t be such a pessimist.

ऐसे निराशावादी मत बनो।

Your brother is a natural pessimist.

तुम्हारा स्वाभाविक निराशावादी है ।

She is incurable pessimist.

वह एक लाइलाज निराशावादी है।

It’s impossible to convince such a pessimist.

ऐसे निराशावादी को समझाना असंभव है।

A pessimist criticize always.

एक निराशावादी हमेशा आलोचना करता है।

Only an Pessimist can think like this.

एक निराशावादी ही ऐसा सोच सकता है।

FAQ (Pessimist meaning)

Q. What is the meaning of Pessimist?

A. A person who always think for bad/negative, निराशावादी, बुरा सोचने वाला

Q. What is synonyms of Pessimist?

A. gloomy, complainer, hopeless

Q. What is opposite of Pessimist?

A. Optimist.

Updated: 04/07/2023 — 10:43 PM

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