Advise Meaning in English | Advise Meaning in Hindi | Advise in a sentence | Synonyms of Advise | Meaning of Advise | Sentence with Advise | Example of Advise | Advise ka matlab | Advise Example | How to use Advise in a sentence | Advise definition and meaning | Advise Meaning | What is Advise |
(Advise, Advised, Advised)
ædvaɪz ऐड्वाइज़ / अड्वाइज़
Advise Meaning in English/ Advise Meaning in hindi
सलाह देना, राय देना , सुझाव देना, समझाना
To tell someone about your thoughts or what you think
To give someone recommendation what to do

Antonyms of Advise / Advise ka Opposite Word
Pretend, betray, deceive, trick
Synonyms of Advise
Recommend, suggest, encourage, urge
110+ Advanced English Structures
Advise in a Sentences/ Sentence of Advise
I would not advise you to do this.
मैं तुम्हे ये ना करने की सलाह दूंगा।
Don’t advise me.
मुझे सलाह मत दो।
She needed someone to advise her.
उसे सलाह लेने के लिए किसी की जरूरत है।
I advise to accept it.
मैं आपको सलाह देता हूँ इसे स्वीकार करने की।
I never advise anyone.
मैं कभी किसी को सलाह नहीं देता ।
Why do you keep advising other.
आप दूसरों को सलाह क्यों देते रहते हो।
I advise you to be careful.
मैं आपको सावधान रहने की सलाह देता हूँ।
FAQ (Distinguish meaning)
Q. What is the meaning of advise?
सलाह देना, राय देना , सुझाव देना, समझाना
To tell someone about your thoughts or what you think
Q. What is the synonyms of advise?
A. Recommend, suggest, encourage, urge
Q. What is opposite of advise?
A. Pretend, betray, deceive, trick