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2 Very Important Advance Structures to speak in 2023 | Spoken English

Very Important advance structures | | Advanced English Structures | how to use it has been in sentence | english ki learning | Special English Sentence | English speaking course | Advanced English Sentence | bharosemand in english | Sentence with trustworthy | Advanced english structre in hindi | हम अपने रोज की बोल चाल […]

1000 Homophones with Meaning | Homophones with Hindi meaning

1000 Homophones with meaning | homophones with meaning | List of Homophones | What is a homophone | Homophones ऐसे शब्द जिनका उच्चारण या ध्वनि तो एक जैसी हो परन्तु उनका अर्थ या मतलब भिन्न होता हैं। इन्हे युग्मशब्द (homophones) कहा जाता है । ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग करते समय ध्यान रखना पड़ता है कि […]