Leave Application for School | Sick Leave application for school | Leave application for kids | write an leave application | How to write application for school
Leave Application for school: बच्चों के स्कूल के लीव एप्लीकेशन सही से और अच्छे से लिखना बहुत जरूरी होता है क्योंकि आपको पता है एक सही आप्लिकेशन और जिसमे की आपने सरे वाक्य ग्रामर के हिसाब से लिखे हो बहुत जरूरी है अन्यथा बच्चे के स्कूल में ख़राब इम्प्रैशन जाता है
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यही बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए हम आपके लिए एक सही फॉर्मेट लेकर आये हैं जो की बहुत मदद करेगा
Leave Application for School
How to Write Application for School
The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Subject: Leave Application for [ Student’s Name ], [Class/Grade]
Respected Principal Ma’am
I am writing this application to request a leave for my child, [Student’s Name], who is currently enrolled in [Class/Grade] at your esteemed school. Due to [mention the reason for leave], we kindly request your approval for the following dates: [start date] to [end date].
We understand the importance of regular attendance for our child’s academic progress, but because of unavoidable circumstances, [he/she] is unable to attend school during the mentioned period due to the aforementioned reason. We assure you that [he/she] will make all the efforts to catch up on missed assignments and classwork during [his/her] absence.
If required, we can provide any necessary document, or other relevant proof, to support our request for leave. We value [Student’s Name]‘s education and ensure that [his/her] absence is temporary and will not hinder [his/her] overall academic performance.
We kindly request you to understand and approve this leave. We are committed to ensuring that [Student’s Name] resumes regular attendance sincerely after [his/her] returning to school.
Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the school’s support in this matter.
[Your Full Name] [Your Signature]
लीव अप्लीकेशन का बड़ा अच्छा ही फॉर्मेट हैं बस आपको ध्यान रखना है जो हिस्सा रंगीन (coloured text) है उसे बदल दें यानि की बच्चे के स्कूल का नाम, आप अपना डालें, बच्चे का नाम डालें और उसके तो साथ यदि लड़की है तो “her” का प्रयोग करें और यदि लड़का है तो उसके लिए “his/him” प्रयोग करें।