Notorious Meaning in English | Notorious Meaning in Hindi | Notorious in a sentence | Synonyms of Notorious | Meaning of Notorious | Sentence with Notorious | Example of Notorious | Notorious ka matlab | Notorious Example | How to use Notorious in a sentence | Notorious definition and meaning | Notorious Meaning |
noʊtɔriəs | नोटॉरीअस
Notorious Meaning in English/ Notorious का हिंदी अर्थ
Famous for something bad, infamous
कुख्यात, कुप्रसिद्ध, बदनाम
Antonyms of Notorious / Notorious ka opposite word
Famous, popular
Synonyms of Notorious :
Infamous, wicked, ill-famed, dishonorable,
110+ Advanced English Structures
Notorious in Sentences/ Sentence of Notorious
He is a notorious thief.
वह एक कुख्यात चोर है।
She is notorious for her bad behaviour.
वह अपने खराब व्यवहार के लिए कुख्यात है।
He was notorious as a thief.
वह चोर के रूप में कुख्यात है।
This college is notorious for fights between students.
यह कॉलेज छात्रों के बीच लड़ाई के लिए कुख्यात है।
Your friend was a notorious criminal.
तुम्हारा दोस्त एक कुख्यात अपराधी था।
The city is notorious for cheating .
शहर धोखा धडी के लिए कुख्यात है।
The city bus service is notorious for pocket pickers.
सिटी बस सेवा जेब कतरों के लिए कुख्यात है।
This restaurant is notorious for drugs.
यह रेस्टोरेंट ड्रग्स के लिए कुख्यात है।
FAQ (Notorious meaning)
Q. What is the meaning of Notorious?
A. Famous for something bad, infamous bad,
कुख्यात, कुप्रसिद्ध, बदनाम
Q. What is synonyms of Notorious?
A. Infamous, wicked, ill-famed, dishonorable
Q. What is opposite of Notorious?
A. Famous, popular.