Omnipresent Meaning in English | Omnipresent Meaning in Hindi | Omnipresent in a sentence | Omnipresent of Advise | Omnipresent of Advise | Sentence with Omnipresent | Example of Omnipresent | Omnipresent ka matlab | Omnipresent Example | How to use Omnipresent in a sentence | Omnipresent definition and meaning | Omnipresent Meaning | What is Omnipresent |
ɑmnɪprɛzənt आम्निप्रेज़न्ट
Omnipresent Meaning in English/ Omnipresent Meaning in hindi
सर्व व्यापी, जो एक समय सब जगह हो
Present everywhere in the same time
Antonyms of Omnipresent / Omnipresent ka Opposite Word
Restricted, bounded, limited
Synonyms of Omnipresent
Indefinite, Infinite, universal, worldwide
110+ Advanced English Structures
Omnipresent in a Sentences / Sentence of Omnipresent
These days, media is omnipresent.
आज कल मीडिया सर्व व्यापी है।
God is omnipresent.
भगवान् सर्व व्यापी है।
This distinction is omnipresent in the whole world.
ये भेद पूरी दुनिया में सर्व व्यापी है।
The sound of siren is omnipresent in Israel because war like situation.
युद्ध जैसी स्थिति के कारण साइरन की आवाज इजराइल में सर्व व्यापी है।
The distance between the rich and the poor is omnipresent.
अमीर और गरीब के बीच दूरी सर्व व्यापी है।
The problem of nepotism is omnipresent in every area.
भाई भतीजा वाद की समस्या हर क्षेत्र में सर्व व्यापी है।
Racism is omnipresent for us a we can forget it even for a moment.
नस्लवाद हमारे लिए सर्व व्यापी है और हम इसे एक पल के लिए भूल नहीं सकते।
FAQ (Distinguish meaning)
Q. What is the meaning of omnipresent?
सर्व व्यापी, जो एक समय सब जगह हो
Present everywhere in the same time
Q. What are synonyms omnipresent ?
A. Indefinite, Infinite, universal, worldwide
Q. What is opposite of omnipresent?
A. Restricted, bounded, limited